Engagement & wellbeing at Oxfam Novib

Klantcase Oxfam Novib Compressed

We talk to Katja Brenninkmeijer, Human Resources, People & Culture Manager, and Florence Allard, Employee Wellbeing & Engagement Specialist, about assumptions and the importance of in-depth and transparent research.

Equal opportunities, equal rights, safety, proper nutrition, climate adaptation. These are core values that matter to Oxfam Novib. Working for Oxfam Novib means being intrinsically motivated to create an impact. Oxfam Novib are a value-driven organisation that entrenches change in your DNA.

Even the greatest challenges may turn out to be blessings in disguise. The coronavirus pandemic turned Oxfam Novib’s methods (as well as many other organisations’ methods) upside down. It can be hard to stay connected to everyone when everyone is working from home. Furthermore, we helped the organisation undergo internal restructuring during the pandemic. In Katja’s words: ‘It was tough, and you can tell from our sickness absence, burnout and turnover figures. The burning question that needed answering was: do our employees still feel engaged and safe in our organisation? And how can we reconnect with each other, with the organisation, and with our ambitions and strategy?’ This was the perfect moment to start talking to Realise and meet our challenges head on.

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