

Dirk-Jan van de Werfhorst is the new CEO of Ixly

Ixly, the leading e-assessment platform of Schouten & Nelissen IT investor Pride Capital Partners, has announced the appointment of Dirk-Jan van de Werfhorst as the company’s new CEO.

Van de Werfhorst, previously working in various managerial positions at HR services provider PiCompany, now takes over the leadership of Ixly. This appointment marks an important transition, with co-founder Diddo van Zand leaving the role of CEO and taking a seat on the Advisory Board.

Founded in 2005, Ixly has emerged as a market leader in digital assessment solutions focused on selecting, developing and retaining talent. The company provides tests and portals that support HR professionals in strategic talent management. For Van de Werfhorst, this is a return to familiar territory as CEO.



In the coming years, the new CEO’s goal is to further enhance Ixly’s national and international position. Van de Werfhorst explains: ‘One way we will achieve this is by further developing Software as a Service for our range of assessment solutions and data-driven applications. We will also focus our services even more on large companies, where there is still a lot of growth potential.’


After eighteen years, Van Zand is stepping down as Managing Director of Ixly. This is a deliberate move, said the founder of the assessment platform. ‘Dirk-Jan is the right person to lead the company to the next phase,’ says Van Zand. ‘Ixly is no longer a startup, and to me, that was a sign to hand over the baton. I maintain a minority stake and will remain involved in the background as a member of the Advisory Board.’

Click here for more information about Ixly
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